Redwood City International

Redwood City International

Sister Cities

The Sister City concept started in 1956, some years after the end of the Second World War, during the Eisenhower presidential administration. A worldwide network of Sister City relations was established to help rebuild nation-to-nation relationships and foster global harmony. Efforts were made to create “citizen diplomats” by opening communication between peoples of the world. Out of this effort came the Sister Cities International organization.
A Sister City is an official City relationship established between the City of Redwood City and a city in another country to develop long-term civic and people-to-people linkages and promote the exchange of cultural, educational, economic and social information with international communities that have interests and characteristics similar to Redwood City’s.
A Friendship City is a relationship established between the City of Redwood City and a city in another country that may serve as the first stage in establishing a new Sister City relationship. City officials or staff and interested community members or organizations from the City of Redwood City and its Friendship Cities may periodically keep in contact for the purpose of discussing topics of mutual interest.

Zhuhai, China 
In 1992 the City affiliated with its first sister city, Zhuhai, China. Zhuhai has sent several economic and business delegations to visit Redwood City and the region. They have toured the City, the Port, and other areas of our community, and have met with local business leaders. A number of representatives from our community have also visited Zhuhai.

Colima, Mexico 
In 1998 Redwood City affiliated with Colima, Mexico. Elected officials and other community members of Redwood City visited Colima in 1998 for the formal signing of the sister city agreement. Since then, Redwood City has donated a fire engine, fire fighting equipment, clothing, and specialized landscaping and maintenance equipment to Colima, and has also hosted several delegations including a high-level group of officials interested in mutual economic development. Several other delegations from Colima, including the former Mayor, visited Redwood City and participated in the dedication of the new City Hall in 1997. After a devastating earthquake in early 2003, Redwood City International spearheaded a local fundraising effort to assist in the relief effort for the citizens of Colima.

Ciudad Guzman, Mexico
In 2013 Redwood City began a Sister City relationship with Ciudad Guzman, Mexico. 

Aguililla, Mexico – NEW!
In 2013 Redwood City began a Friendship City relationship with Aguililla, Mexico. In 2017 this relationship became a Sister City relationship. 
Aguililla is located in the State of Michoacán, México, a Pacific Coast state. The current estimated population in Aguililla is 15,241. The history of Redwood City and Aguililla goes back to the late 1940’s when the first recorded immigrants from Aguililla arrived in Redwood City. 

Since 2013, representatives of Asociación Civil Amigos de Aguililla, Amigos de Aguililla in Redwood City, and Comité Ciudades Hermanas (Aguililla’s local Sister City Committee in México) have discussed the goal of Aguililla becoming a Sister City with the City of Redwood City. Amigos de Aguililla in Redwood City drafted a work plan for the establishment of a Sister City relationship to share the values, customs, music, traditions and gastronomy of Aguililla with the Redwood City community, and promote the exchange of cultural, educational, economic and social information. A number of Redwood City residents have immigrated from or are descendants of immigrants of Aguililla, Michoacán, México. Amigos de Aguililla in Redwood City has worked closely with the City to develop and encourage partnerships since entering into the Friendship City relationship in 2013. They have hosted annual cultural celebrations including the Danzas to Virgen Fatima, Posadas and Judas, and have participated in City events including the celebrations of the City’s 150th Anniversary and the City’s Mexican Independence cultural event, Fiestas Patrias.


Qingyuan, China
In 2015 the City affiliated with Qingyuan, China and formed a Friendship City relationship.